Request a WCU Mailing List
If you would like a public mailing list, please fill in the form below and a representative from IT follow up with you shortly. All WCU Mailing lists must be requested by a WCU Faculty or Staff member. If you are a student, you will need to have a faculty or staff sponsor request the mailing list on your behalf.
If you are unsure what to enter in any of the fields below, descriptions are in the boxes on the right. Just click the + to get the information you need.
Field Descriptions
List Name
The public name of this list.
The capitalization of this name can be changed to make it presentable in polite company as a proper noun, or to make an acronym part all upper case, etc. However, the name will be advertised as the email address (e.g., in subscribe confirmation notices), so it should not be otherwise altered.
List Administrators vs. List Moderators
There are two ownership roles associated with each mailing list. The list administrators are the people who have ultimate control over all parameters of this mailing list. They are able to change any list configuration variable available through the administration web pages.
The list moderators have more limited permissions; they are not able to change any list configuration variable, but they are allowed to tend to pending administration requests, including approving or rejecting held subscription requests, and disposing of held postings. Of course, the list administrators can also tend to pending requests.
A terse phrase identifying this list.
This description is used when the mailing list is listed with other mailing lists, or in headers, and so forth. It should be as succinct as you can get it, while still identifying what the list is.
An introductory description – a few paragraphs – about the list. It will be included, as html, at the top of the listinfo page. Carriage returns will end a paragraph.
The text will be treated as html except that newlines will be translated to a line break – so you can use links, preformatted text, etc, but don’t put in carriage returns except where you mean to separate paragraphs.
Please review your changes – bad html (like some unterminated HTML constructs) can prevent display of the entire listinfo page. If you are not sure what this means, just add PLEASE HELP at the end and you will be contacted by the system administrator for further assistance.